Parent Information

Pennsylvania Parent Guide to Special Education for School Age Children This guide for parents of children receiving special education in Pennsylvania outlines how a child's need for special education is determined, how a child's educational program is developed, the responsibilities and protections guaranteed to parents and children, and the. The Parent PLUS Loan, a Federal Direct PLUS Loan, is an option for parents of undergraduate students to help pay for educational expenses. A parent who qualifies may receive a Parent PLUS Loan for the education costs of a dependent undergraduate student who meets the eligible student definition. You can find additional Parent PLUS Loan information at

Translate this page: The Google Translate tool serves to assist families; translation may not be 100% accurate.

Welcome to an exciting and transformative time in your student’s educational journey; and therefore, an exciting time for you as well. Parent & Family Programs at UC San Diego provides opportunities to family members to journey through UC San Diego alongside their student. While your student is on campus, families remain an important ally to the university as we seek to help your student find success academically, socially and personally. We are a team of committed staff with a mission to provide resources, services, and programs that keep families connected and informed about the university.

Coronavirus Information for the UC San Diego Community

Our leaders are working closely with federal and state officials to ensure your ongoing safety at the university. Stay up to date with the latest developments.

Triton Family Web Series

10 Questions Your Student Should Ask Their Academic Advisor

Wednesday, January 27, 2021
6 - 7 p.m. (PST)

Academic advisors are central to your student's mapping and course tracking. They offer information which, at times, may be a lot for your student to process. A panel of academic advisors will offer the 10 most important questions your student can ask their academic advisor for a successful meeting.

Learn more about the entire upcoming Triton Family Web Series Schedule.

When Parents Are Informed, Students Benefit

Parent Information Center Chelsea Ma

Whether you are a family member living locally or abroad and whether your student is in their first or last quarter at UC San Diego, our office helps you navigate campus resources to support your student.

Triton Parent & Family Ambassador

Parent Information Night

Parents and families play an important role in their student’s educational journey. One student’s experience at UC San Diego will differ from other students, which means the ways in which that student is supported will differ from how other students are supported by their family. Triton Parent & Family Ambassadors share how they support their student’s college experience with other family members and the UC San Diego community. No matter your hometown or country, or family make-up, every family member possesses life skills and knowledge that support their student’s college experience. Request to be a Triton Parent & Family Ambassador today!

Student Health Services

Get informed, including learning about health requirements for incoming students.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Learn about applying for aid, cost of attendance, get access to forms and resources and more.

Campus Safety

Parent Information Network

Stay connected with the safety status of the campus.

Parent Information Clip Art


Parent and Family Top Questions

Got questions? Use this resource to find answers to all your frequently asked questions.

Parent Information Program

Parents' Helpline: (858) 534-7273 |