Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation

  1. Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation Downloads
  2. Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation Software
  3. Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation System
  4. Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation Pdf

Navigating with the Tab key Mac OS X includes “full keyboard access,” where you can use the Tab and arrow keys to move the keyboard focus to text boxes, lists, radio buttons, checkboxes, and other controls. Here are some points to keep in mind when you use the Tab key to navigate while VoiceOver is on. To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys: Command (or Cmd) ⌘.

Screen reader keyboard shortcuts > NVDA

Also available in a single-page printer-friendly PDF version.

NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) is a screen reader for Microsoft Windows that is totally free, yet fully functional and portable; you can download it to your PC or to portable media such as a USB stick. It was initially released in 2006 by NV Access founders Michael Curran and James Teh—blind computer programmers who believe passionately in universal access to computers.

To install NVDA: Go to . We encourage you to donate if you can. If you can't, you can skip the donation and just download the software.


NVDA works well with Firefox and Chrome. NVDA also has decent support for Internet Explorer and Edge, but the best testing combinations are NVDA + Firefox and NVDA + Chrome.
+ , +

NVDA shortcut keys

Note: Some keyboard shortcuts require using the NVDA modifier key. By default, both the Numpad Insert key and the Extended Insert key are set as NVDA modifier keys, but users can designate the Caps Lock key as an additional NVDA modifier key. In the tables below, the assumption is that the Insert key is being used as the NVDA modifier key. If you have changed your settings, you may need to substitute the Caps Lock key in the place of the Insert key. Note also that these keyboard shortcuts are for NVDA's desktop keyboard layout setting; some shortcuts are different when using NVDA's laptop keyboard layout setting.

Browse and Focus Modes

Key on mac used for text document navigation downloads

Browse Mode: Browse mode is used when reading documents or web pages.

Focus Mode: Focus mode is used when the user enters a form or other fields that require user input.

NVDA automatically switches between Browse and Focus modes, but the user can toggle them using Insert + Space Bar.

Speech Viewer

Turn on Speech Viewer: Enabling Speech Viewer opens a window that shows everything NVDA states. This is useful for sighted users learning NVDA for testing purposes. Hard at work. Enable it under Tools in the NVDA menu.

The basics

On/Off:Turn NVDA onControl + Alt + N
Turn NVDA offInsert + Q
Reading:Stop ReadingControl
Start reading continuously from this point onInsert + or Numpad +
Read next item
Read next focusable item (e.g. link, button)Tab
ButtonEnter or Spacebar
Headings:Go to next headingH
Go to next heading of level [1-6]1 - 6
List all headingsInsert + F7
Landmarks:Go to next landmark/regionD
Elements list:Show list of all links, headings, form fields, buttons, and landmarksInsert + F7
Tables:Go to next tableT
Navigate table cellsCtrl + Alt + or or or
Lists:Go to next listL
Go to next list itemI
Graphics:Go to next graphicG
Links:List all linksInsert + F7
Go to next linkK
Go to next unvisited linkU
Go to next visited linkV
Navigate:Toggle between:
Radio buttons,
<select>list items,
Tabs (ARIA widget),
Tree view items (ARIA widget),
Menu items (ARIA widget)
or or or
Go backward:To previous heading, landmark, table, focusable item, etc.Shift + [H, D, T, Tab, etc.]

Reading text

Line:Say prior line or Numpad 7
Say next line or Numpad 9
Say current lineInsert + or Numpad 8
Start of lineShift + Numpad 1
End of lineShift + Numpad 3
Top lineShift + Numpad 7
Bottom lineShift + Numpad 9
Character:Say prior character or Numpad 1
Say next character or Numpad 3
Say current characterNumpad 2
Say character phoneticallyNumpad 2 twice quickly
Word:Say prior wordCtrl + or Numpad 4
Say next wordCtrl + or Numpad 6
Say current wordNumpad 5
Sentence:Say prior sentenceAlt +
Say next sentenceAlt +
Say current sentenceAlt + Numpad 5
Paragraph:Next paragraphCtrl + or Q
Spelling:Spell wordNumpad 5 twice quickly
Spell word phoneticallyNumpad 5 thrice quickly
Spell current lineInsert + twice quickly
Spell current line phoneticallyInsert + thrice quickly


Table:Go to next (previous) tableT (Shift + T)
Cell:Cell to rightCtrl + Alt +
Cell to leftCtrl + Alt +
Cell belowCtrl + Alt +
Cell aboveCtrl + Alt +


List all:List all form elementsInsert + F7
Navigate:Next form fieldF
Next focusable itemTab
Next buttonB
Checkboxes:Select and deselectSpacebar
Next checkboxX
Combo boxes (<select>):Open combo boxAlt +
Browse/select options or the First letter
Select multiple optionsShift + (or )
Next combo boxC
Radio buttons:Toggle selection/
Next radio buttonR
Focus mode*:Toggle between focus mode and browse modeInsert + Spacebar

* “Focus mode” allows you to enter data into form fields. Browse mode allows you to navigate the page using standard screen reader shortcuts (e.g. to navigate headings, landmarks, links, etc.)

Other commands

Search for a word or a phraseNVDA + Ctrl + F
Keyboard helpInsert + 1
Next blockquoteQ
Next key you hit ignores NVDA and is a normal keystrokeInsert + F2
Speak characters typedInsert + 2
Speak words typedInsert + 3
Read entire foreground window (e.g. for dialogs)Insert + B
Announce title of the current foreground windowInsert + T

Additional resources

Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation Downloads

The full list of NVDA's keyboard commands can be found in the official NVDA User Guide.

NV Access' support webpage is available at

Some of us are old enough to recall life before word processors. (It wasn’t that long ago.) Consider this sentence:

How did we survive in the days before every last one of us had access to word processors and computers on our respective desks?

That’s not a great sentence — it’s kind of wordy and repetitious. The following sentence is much more concise:

It’s hard to imagine how any of us got along without word processors.

Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation Software

The purpose of this mini-editing exercise is to illustrate the splendor of word processing. Had you produced these sentences on a typewriter instead of a computer, changing even a few words would hardly seem worth it. You would have to use correction fluid to erase your previous comments and type over them. If things got really messy, or if you wanted to take your writing in a different direction, you would end up yanking the sheet of paper from the typewriter in disgust and begin pecking away anew on a blank page.

Word processing lets you substitute words at will, move entire blocks of text around with panache, and apply different fonts and typefaces to the characters. You won’t even take a productivity hit swapping typewriter ribbons in the middle of a project.

Before running out to buy Microsoft Word (or another industrial-strength and expensive) word processing program for your Mac, remember that Apple includes a respectable word processor with OS X. The program is TextEdit, and it call s the Applications folder home.

The first order of business when using TextEdit (or pretty much any word processor) is to create a new document. There’s really not much to it. It’s about as easy as opening the program itself. The moment you do so, a window with a large blank area on which to type appears.

Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation

Have a look around the window. At the top, you see Untitled because no one at Apple is presumptuous enough to come up with a name for your yet-to-be-produced manuscript.

Notice the blinking vertical line at the upper-left edge of the screen, just below the ruler. That line, called the insertion point, might as well be tapping out Morse code for “start typing here.”

Indeed, you have come to the most challenging point in the entire word processing experience, and it has nothing to do with technology. The burden is on you to produce clever, witty, and inventive prose, lest all that blank space go to waste.

Okay, got it? At the blinking insertion point, type with abandon. Type something original like this:

It was a dark and stormy night

Bloons tower defense 5. If you typed too quickly, you may have accidentally produced this:

Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation System

It was a drk and stormy nihgt

Fortunately, your amiable word processor has your best interests at heart. See the dotted red line below drk and nihgt? That’s TextEdit’s not-so-subtle way of flagging a likely typo. (This presumes that you’ve left the default Check Spelling as You Type activated in TextEdit Preferences.)

You can address these snafus in several ways. You can use the computer’s Delete key to wipe out all the letters to the left of the insertion point. (Delete functions like the backspace key on the Smith Coronayou put out to pasture years ago.) After the misspelled word has been quietly sent to Siberia, you can type over the space more carefully. All traces of your sloppiness disappear.

Delete is a wonderfully handy key. You can use it to eliminate a single word such as nihgt. But in this little case study, you have to repair drk too. And using Delete to erase drk means sacrificing and and stormy as well. That’s a bit of overkill.

Use one of the following options instead:

  • Use the left-facing arrow key (found on the lower-right side of the keyboard) to move the insertion point to the spot just to the right of the word you want to deep-six. No characters are eliminated when you move the insertion point that way. Only when the insertion point is where it ought to be do you again hire your reliable keyboard hit-man, Delete.
  • Eschew the keyboard and click with the mouse to reach this same spot to the right of the misspelled word. Then press Delete.

Key On Mac Used For Text Document Navigation Pdf

Now try this helpful remedy. Right-click anywhere on the misspelled word. A list appears with suggestions. Single-click the correct word and, voilà, TextEdit instantly replaces the mistake. Be careful in this example not to choose dork.