Media Headsetseffective Curriculum Ideas

PASIG CITY, Phiippines — The internet now contains almost all the information in the world, including the non-essential ones.

Some studies show that the cyberworld can sometimes be very dangerous.

Just recently, a photo of a guy inside the MRT went viral on social media.

Identifying Parts of a Book. Media Center / Fun Stuff (Library Games) Pre-School Activity Library. Library Learning Games - media center. National Poetry Month Ideas from Elementary Librarian on Pintrest. Monthly Themes: National Poetry Month. Lesson Plan: Henry’s Freedom Box (3rd Grade) Henryboxbrownmap. Using Instagram in an Educational Context: The EmergingEdTech blog is a wonderful source for tips, strategies, and ideas for using social media and other new technologies in the classroom. This guide is a great primer for understanding what Instagram is and how it can be used to teach and reach students. ' 5 Ways Teachers Can Use Instagram in.

Media Headsetseffective Curriculum Ideas

The girl who was at the same train took the photo. In her caption, she says the guy was rude for not giving her his seat.

The man didn’t have an idea that his picture is now all over the internet.

Media Headsetseffective Curriculum Ideas Activities

Netizens who saw the captioned picture got angry not on the guy, but on the girl who posted the image.

What happened next is a series of bullying targetting her.

Studies say cyberbullying can be avoided if the public has enough knowledge about the limitations in using the social media.

One way of the Department of Education to give a proper guidance and information to the youth using the internet is the inclusion of the media and information literacy in the K-12 basic education curriculum.

The Department of Education also launched in its online learning portal a cybersafe manual last March.

It includes the situation and questions on the proper way of using social media accounts.

“Online maniuals are for Grade 5 and 6 and junior highschool,” said DepEd Senior Education program Specialist, Rowel Padernal.

“These are lesson plans, modules which we call Cybersafe Learning Manual. This is a lesson plan which can be used by teachers. Strategies, ideas are already there,” he added.

DepEd also created Children Protection Committee in schools whose members are principal, guidance counselor, teachers and barangay officials to protect the rights of the students.

Currently, R.A. 10627 or the Anti-Bullying ACt is already being implemented in the Philippines to penalize violators.

House Bill 5718 or the “Anti-Cyberbullying Act of 2015” that will emphasize the scope of cyber-bullying as a crime is still pending at the House of Representatives.

One way to prevent the youth to be bullied or to be involved in cyberbullying is through the guidance of their parents in using social media accounts. It is important that parents should spend time to safeguard their children especially at home. — Aiko Miguel | UNTV News & Rescue

Media, strategies, and methods are the various tools that not only deliver the instruction, but also foster the acquisition of performance.


Media is the plural of medium, which in learning and training environments, is the means of communicating and transferring a learning concept or objective to another individual. Media are the replicable “means”, forms, or vehicles by which instruction is formatted, stored, and delivered to the learner (Schwen, 1977).

There are normally two types of training media within a learning program. The first is the instructional setting or major media. For example, you might have your learners go to classroom training for 2 days or have an elearning program delivered to them. The second is the delivery systems within the major medium. These are the various instructional methods that take place within the instructional setting. In the two day class you might have several types of media, such as lectures, videos, programmed instruction, coaching, etc. Another example is an elearning platform with several types of media within it, such as videos, readings, and simulations incorporated into it.

Note that it is not unusual for a medium to carry another medium as in the above examples. McLuhan (1964) gave the example of a television (one form of media) carrying the spoken word (another form of media) of the thoughts of a person. The second medium, the spoken word, can change to best deliver the message, for example rather than speaking the person can draw, act, or write the message.

Just as people use a variety of tones, pitches, rhythm, timbre, loudness, inflections, gestures, etc. to communicate ideas to others; you should also use a variety of media to aid in the transfer of learning. This is also referred to as Blended Learning. Although no one medium is better than another, a particular medium is normally better in certain situations.

For example, showing an engine with labels naming each of the parts is probably more preferable than a long audible file explaining a car and its various parts.

The strategies and methods that will best promote the intended learning are normally selected first , and then the media that will best deliver the learning platform are selected (Clark 2001). This is because some media work better that others when it comes to delivering certain content and contexts.

However, you must know your constraints. For example, shortly after 9/11 a lot of corporations placed restrictions on travel, which meant their employees could not travel to classrooms. And during bad economic times, corporations may have to curtail their budgets, which means you have to find extremely efficient media to transport the content, such as elearning rather than classroom training. Thus it is wise to know you media constraints, so you can plan the methods accordingly.


Learning methods are the conditions which can be implemented to foster the acquisition of competence (Glaser, 1976). It helps to shape information that compensates for or supplants the cognitive process necessary for achievement or motivation (Clark, 2001).

For example, Keller's Personalized of Instruction (PSI) is normally presented in text, which is the medium. It then uses methods to structure and self-pace the lessons in order to increase the possibility of learning.

A method is normally thought of as a particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching a task. On the other hand, a strategy is more of a comprehensive plan of action designed to achieve a major goal.
Thus learning methods are normally parts of the overall strategy. For example, you use certain learning methods to teach a skill, but your strategy has to include evaluation methods to ensure the learners actually learned the skills and retention methods to ensure that the new skills do not fade away before the learners can put the new skills to productive use.


Learning strategies determine the approach for achieving the learning objectives and are included in the pre-instructional activities, information presentation, learner activities, testing, and follow-through. The strategies are usually tied to the needs and interests of students to enhance learning and are based on many types of learning styles (Ekwensi, Moranski, & Townsend-Sweet, 2006).

Learning strategies basically encompass the entire spectrum of a learning environment, to include processes, such as media, methods, technologies, and styles.

And most importantly, strategies tie in both the learning methods and media to ensure they meet the needs of the organization's goals.

Next Steps

Listed below are some links to media, methods, and strategies examples:





Clark, R. (2001). Learning from Media: Arguments, Analysis, and Evidence. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.

What Is An Effective Curriculum

Glaser, R. 1976. Components of a psychology instruction: Towards a science of design. Review of Educational Research, 46(1), 1-24.

Ekwensi, F. Moranski, J., & Townsend-Sweet, M., (2006). E-Learning Concepts and Techniques. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania's Department of Instructional Technology. 5.1 Instructional Strategies for Online Learning. Retrieved November 8, 2008:

McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Massachusetts: First MIT Press.

Schwen, T. 1977. Professional scholarship in educational settings: Criteria for inquiring. AV Communication Reviews, 25, 35-79.

Effective Curriculum Development