Exciting Developments

  1. Most Exciting Developments In Computer Science
  2. Exciting New Medical Developments
  3. Interesting Developments

As part of the company’s ongoing efforts to restructure our operations and seek new horizons, Teatro La Quindicina is pleased to announce the appointment of longtime ensemble members Belinda Cornish and Andrew MacDonald-Smith to the roles of Co-Artistic Producers.
After 39 years of hijinks and hilarity, Teatro is taking big steps towards evolving the way that we operate; setting forth with a heartfelt commitment to take immediate action toward greater inclusion, with a longer term goal of developing new voices in positions of leadership. In what are intended to be impermanent and transitional roles, Belinda and Andrew will be guiding the company, in collaboration with Stewart Lemoine and the Teatro ensemble, through a 2-year period of evolution, mentorship, and growth – the details of which we will be thrilled to share in the new year!
As we tiptoe through this pandemic with an effervescent eye to the future, Teatro is elated to be ushering in a new era for anti-racist and anti-oppression practices, while doubling down on the sparkling entertainment and the exquisite joie de vivre which our audiences know and love.

Most Exciting Developments In Computer Science

  1. Exciting new developments for polymers made from waste sulfur. Researchers at the University of Liverpool are making significant progress in the quest to develop new sulfur polymers which provide an environmentally friendly alternative to some traditional petrochemical based plastics. University of Liverpool chemist and Royal Society Research Fellow, Dr Tom Hasell and his team, have published two papers which demonstrate practical and exciting developments for sulfur polymer technologies.
  2. Exciting Developments in Fashion Industry Can Create Sustainability for Marginalized Women credit: Social enterprises in Tanzania and Kenya are creating sustainable employment for women artisans, but more women could be empowered with investment from major fashion brands.
  3. The development is the latest project there from Washington Property Company, which built the Ripley District’s first apartment tower in 2012. It will include 338 units on 20 floors; the developer hopes to attract restaurants to its ground level.

Questions? Thoughts? Chocolate chip cookie recipe? Belinda and Andrew enthusiastically invite you to get in touch. Say hello at belinda@teatroq.com and andrew@teatroq.com
See you all back in the theatre! And until then - egészségedre, everyone!”

For a small company like ours, even the most modest donations can make a difference during these extraordinary circumstances. Any donation of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt for the full amount contributed.

Exciting New Medical Developments

Exciting DevelopmentsExciting Developments

Interesting Developments

Elementary p.e. games. This demand has sparked the beginning of a very exciting time for the Northwest Side. Homes on the Northwest Side have seen an increase in value ranging anywhere from $250k to $799k.